
Job being threatened because i followed process

So we have a policy at my company. We dont give passwords over the phone and we dont send them in clear text via email especially to end users. We also dont create accounts without approval from a primary or someone with that authority. Very simple and clear cut right? Welp I got a unhappiness rating from a client because she got upset we asked for her bosses approval to create an account for an intern she submitted a ticket for. She then got more irate when we told her per policy we could not send a end user either admin credentials or their credentials as it was a violation of security policy and against the owner of the companys explicit instructions. Then I got the unhappiness rating and I called per policy (its dumb but when a customer leaves an unhappy the task is reopened and within the hour…

So we have a policy at my company. We dont give passwords over the phone and we dont send them in clear text via email especially to end users. We also dont create accounts without approval from a primary or someone with that authority. Very simple and clear cut right?

Welp I got a unhappiness rating from a client because she got upset we asked for her bosses approval to create an account for an intern she submitted a ticket for. She then got more irate when we told her per policy we could not send a end user either admin credentials or their credentials as it was a violation of security policy and against the owner of the companys explicit instructions. Then I got the unhappiness rating and I called per policy (its dumb but when a customer leaves an unhappy the task is reopened and within the hour you must call even if, for example, a customer threatened to kill you 10 minutes prior. Which is a thing that has happened) and the customer got upset and said fuck you and hung up before I even got a word out.

All good right? Customer explicitly violated every policy on the books, cussed me out repeatedly both on the phone and on email earlier and has a reputation for getting extremely nasty with other techs.

Well nope. Per policy because i didnt resolve it within a hour my manager gets involved. She cuses him out and hangs up to. Per policy because he couldnt solve it a client cio gets involved. Client cio sees our notes where both me and my manager note she is very hostile and being nasty, decides not to call, and bumps it to the vp. Vp calls and customer screams at him. Instead of maybe taking this as a sign this customer is unreasonable he determines wow there must be something wrong here with what the tech did. Theres a investigation and the only thing they could find to fault me for is the phrase “I would strongly encourage you to follow our standard instructions which we would be happy to send along” in one of the emails as being too close to saying no (we have a policy where we can never say no under any circumstance. Typically however we can advise someone to do x,y, or z. It has literally resulted in criminal charges in the past because we agreed to intimidate and threaten a law firm that was suing a different client).

Now as of 7 pm I am now marked as “terminated pending review” because of the incident. Literally over half my communications were straight from the handbook and everything I did was in adherence to that book or to the policies set down by the owner of the clients company.

This is just the dumbest thing.

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