
Job locked me out of my work email account

Previous post I suppose old job as of one (1) day since I made a post about my concerns with redundancy and then emailing HR, they decided my last day of work would be right there and then. Now, just wanting to read over everything sent in the email again, I discover I’ve been locked out. If they weren’t trying to be shady I’d be very surprised with everything considered. Good thing I already screenshot everything!

Previous post

I suppose old job as of one (1) day since I made a post about my concerns with redundancy and then emailing HR, they decided my last day of work would be right there and then.

Now, just wanting to read over everything sent in the email again, I discover I’ve been locked out.

If they weren’t trying to be shady I’d be very surprised with everything considered.

Good thing I already screenshot everything!

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