
Job offer with relocation from UK to Charlotte, NC; is it worth it, is it a scam, what to expect?

I get the irony of posting about it here but suspect that the large amount of American brothers and sisters on this sub will be able to help me out. I also posted this on /r/jobs and /r/web_design, if I have broken any rules or this type of cross-posting is not allowed, please delete. I am in the process of applying for a web design and development role that is initially based in the UK, with a move planned for Charlotte, North Carolina for around summertime. I really need some help and advice as to the type of questions to ask and what to look out for to ensure I am not getting fooled. I kind of think I am though… I don’t know a lot about the job conditions in America, as the application is through a recruitment agency and I have only spoken to a recruiter who did…

I get the irony of posting about it here but suspect that the large amount of American brothers and sisters on this sub will be able to help me out. I also posted this on /r/jobs and /r/web_design, if I have broken any rules or this type of cross-posting is not allowed, please delete.

I am in the process of applying for a web design and development role that is initially based in the UK, with a move planned for Charlotte, North Carolina for around summertime. I really need some help and advice as to the type of questions to ask and what to look out for to ensure I am not getting fooled. I kind of think I am though… I don’t know a lot about the job conditions in America, as the application is through a recruitment agency and I have only spoken to a recruiter who did not seem to know much, so I need to wait and find out more information through an interview (there will be three in total).

What I need from you beautiful people is your opinion on what I do know so far. Info on actual salary range in Charlotte, NC for web designers/developers, cost of renting a flat/house (1 bedroom), owning/renting cars (do I even need one? Is the public transport that bad?) and what should a non-shady business actually offer in their relocation package?

Please don’t come for me saying not to work in the US, I am basing my thinking on the assumption that UK holiday entitlement and working hours will not get lost in the move (and if they’re off the table, then am not going). I also don’t plan on staying in America for longer than a couple years, that is if I decide to go. To be honest, I see this opportunity as a chance to experience a different culture and to travel within the US and outside whilst (hopefully) earning more than I am in UK.

What I know so far:

  • The recruiter mentioned that there are two different types of visas that are an option for the right candidate; a ‘Consultant visa’ for someone with 3-5 years of experience and a ‘Senior’ visa for those with 5+ years of experience. I seem to fit the former, but I haven’t been able to find any information on these visas. Did he mean H-1B visa? Where did he get the ‘senior’ and ‘consultant’ labels from?
  • The recruiter sounded excited in telling me that my American salary would have to be the industry average due to the 'consultant visa'. This kind of sounds to me like an excuse to keep my wages low?
  • He didn't know what my American salary would be, but he estimated it being 10-20% higher than what it would be in the UK. He estimated the pay I could be offered for this role in the UK being around £30-35k. From my research and experience it sounds fair considering my skill set. It could very well be more in London or with someone with more development experience than mine, but I feel that range sounds alright. Now, if we imagine a £32k UK salary (32 because it’s middle-ish), with either 10% or 20% increase that would be either £35,200 or £38,400, which in dollars would be $42,451.38 or $46,310.59… This sounds really low to me? A glassdoor search for jobs in NC returned results that are 20 or 30k more? I don’t even know the exact costs of living there but I sense anything under 60k would be a struggle for a single person?
  • The recruiter specified the design aspect being more important than development with a 70/30 split, which makes me wonder if that’s the reason for this salary. If so, do you think the company is adding the ‘developer’ title so it would somehow sound more ‘legit’ in the visa applications (they are financing the visas)?
  • It seems odd to me that the company is looking for someone quite late – surely this must have been planned for sometime, why look for someone to move months after they join the company? Then again, I can imagine some of their current employees bailing as the company is only sponsoring visas for one person, so no spouses etc. This in itself makes me suspicious and kind of seems like they don't value their employees, but then again, I imagine visa sponsorship being a costly endeavour.

About me:

  • I have been working in web and graphic design for around five years, in in-house and agency environments and am experienced in both remote and on-site work. My salary has never been over £30k, but I have two other offers for web design roles with one of them offering above this mystical and unheard of threshold (for me anyway). They’re both fully remote and in the UK and I am going to make a choice soon to accept one of them as I a) wan’t to get paid and b) feel like if this job actually works out, then I will just resign from whatever current job I will have.
  • Also, if it’s relevant, I am nearing 30 and don’t have dependents (I am also white and female). I am from a non-UK European country (can speak another language fluently but it’s not popular/don’t want to reveal what it is in case the employer actually finds this post somehow lol). I enjoy travelling and have done plenty of solo trips and view this move as an opportunity to earn more than I can here for around a year or two whilst experiencing a different culture (that is, if I do end up earning enough). Travelling within the US and just outside also appeals to me and I would be geographically significantly closer to a lot of countries that would be more expensive to reach from UK.
  • I also have settled status in the UK (thanks Brexit) and from minimum research I did I don’t think I am facing any restrictions? I had already uprooted my whole life once over 16 years ago as a child to move to England with my family, so I have some experience in that respect, yet feel like this move would be easier than before as I am fluent in English this time time round, however, ‘this time round’ I would be solely on my own.

Thank you for reading this small essay. Truly.

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