
Job promised every employee a pair of shoes then let others take multiple pairs with no repercussions.

I have two jobs, and this is my part time deal. A few weeks back they told us to fill out a form with our shoe size and preferred color because all employees would receive free shoes to celebrate our recent award grant. Well I arive at the scheduled time to pick mine up and find out they were entirely out. They started giving them out 6 hours early without updating anyone and failed to check names, so employees coming back multiple times and taking multiple pairs. Talked to management and they said nothing can be done about it. I wanted write ups or terminations for the people who took multiple pairs, but they act like they can't find who did it like we all don't know at least one person who did this. Everyone is upset about this and management has no plans to follow up on this as…

I have two jobs, and this is my part time deal. A few weeks back they told us to fill out a form with our shoe size and preferred color because all employees would receive free shoes to celebrate our recent award grant.

Well I arive at the scheduled time to pick mine up and find out they were entirely out. They started giving them out 6 hours early without updating anyone and failed to check names, so employees coming back multiple times and taking multiple pairs.

Talked to management and they said nothing can be done about it. I wanted write ups or terminations for the people who took multiple pairs, but they act like they can't find who did it like we all don't know at least one person who did this.

Everyone is upset about this and management has no plans to follow up on this as far as I know. I'm leaving in a few months anyways, but I really cannot believe this shit show. What a way to thank is for our hard work.

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