
“Jobbing” experience more important than actually being able to perform the job itself?

I recently re-entered the work force after being able to make a very humble living off of touring in a band. Currently, I’m a facilities tech at a large cannabis grow/dispensary in New England and I’m roughly a year in. I thought the nature of the business would create a bit more of a relaxed atmosphere, but it really is no different than any other place I’ve ever worked. Everyone only cares about titles, what kind of manager they are, basically willing to step over anyone to get higher up on the jobby chain. From what I’ve observed over the last year while these people play a real life board game of their own lives (and horribly), they grow pretty s#it product and really can’t work as a team. I’ve seen people come and go that have great ideas and show up with enthusiasm get crushed within the first month…

I recently re-entered the work force after being able to make a very humble living off of touring in a band. Currently, I’m a facilities tech at a large cannabis grow/dispensary in New England and I’m roughly a year in. I thought the nature of the business would create a bit more of a relaxed atmosphere, but it really is no different than any other place I’ve ever worked. Everyone only cares about titles, what kind of manager they are, basically willing to step over anyone to get higher up on the jobby chain.

From what I’ve observed over the last year while these people play a real life board game of their own lives (and horribly), they grow pretty s#it product and really can’t work as a team. I’ve seen people come and go that have great ideas and show up with enthusiasm get crushed within the first month or so. A lot of the people I see that actually succeed just seem like they’re really good at “jobbing.” Generally liked by most, bowing to the every whim of the head “jobbers” that make more money than them. It really is a spectacle to watch. Luckily, my position allows me to keep a distance and not get involved. What a trip!

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