
Junior dev got promoted to technical lead of senior devs – PLEASE HELP MY DEAR FRIENDS!

Hello, Something so ridiculous happened at the IT firm I am working at, that I can't even… I and 3 other senior devs were recruited at one IT firm in December along with one junior dev – all fine so far (all of us are working remotely). We were just doing some basic stuff, like bug fixing as the development of the new product is supposed to start in march and a month ago there was a first onsite party taking place, unfortunately, I and 3 other devs could not join ( I was getting married that day) and only junior dev went. During the onsite party, apparently, this junior dev got to know our product owner ( the person who recruited us) VERY WELL ( the idiot confessed that they slept together). And last week we received the news that this JUNIOR DEV will be our technical lead. Me…


Something so ridiculous happened at the IT firm I am working at, that I can't even…

I and 3 other senior devs were recruited at one IT firm in December along with one junior dev – all fine so far (all of us are working remotely). We were just doing some basic stuff, like bug fixing as the development of the new product is supposed to start in march and a month ago there was a first onsite party taking place, unfortunately, I and 3 other devs could not join ( I was getting married that day) and only junior dev went. During the onsite party, apparently, this junior dev got to know our product owner ( the person who recruited us) VERY WELL ( the idiot confessed that they slept together). And last week we received the news that this JUNIOR DEV will be our technical lead. Me and other senior devs are in our 30s, near 40's, while the junior is 24 ( so this is his second job after the internship). The person who made the decisions was ( SHOCKER ), the product owner that the junior dev banged (the product owner is a 24-year-old girl). We were just speechless, first, we thought that this was a joke and then it occurred to us that this is for real.

Of course, before anyone says that maybe the junior dev is a genius of some kind, no he is not. He doesn't know much ( duh, he is junior after all, which is ok) and I cannot even image how he would organize the team if he can't even organize his own work.

We decided that something has to be done about it and we scheduled a call with that product owner that will take place next week.

I am bad at “corporate talk”, so I turn to you, my fellow friends. I am not sure how to put it in words, I am not the strong-willed type of person that likes and can argue about things like that, also I am quite bad at “corporate talk” as english it is not my native language. But we are all pissed about it so bad that we want to avoid using “unprofessional language” while addressing the issue… Could you please share your ideas regarding the arguments we could use? Like, exact examples that I can basically write down and memorize for our “confrontation” call?

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