
Just got let go with no HR presence, is that normal?

So this morning my Manager texted me that he wanted me to jump on a call about an hour before my scheduled start time to talk about an update. Turns out that the update is that I and about 20 other people are being let go. The call was him, myself and the Chief of Staff (not sure what that title means elsewhere but hes kinda the 2nd in command to the CEO, his pitbull). I was told I'll get a box in the mail to send my laptop in and and a note from HR about insurance and a few weeks pay severance, if I sign a document. For no part of this process was HR present. Is that normal? Another former co-worker of mine who got let go in a previous round mentioned she thought this was sketchy. Just wondering what is common practice out there.

So this morning my Manager texted me that he wanted me to jump on a call about an hour before my scheduled start time to talk about an update. Turns out that the update is that I and about 20 other people are being let go. The call was him, myself and the Chief of Staff (not sure what that title means elsewhere but hes kinda the 2nd in command to the CEO, his pitbull).

I was told I'll get a box in the mail to send my laptop in and and a note from HR about insurance and a few weeks pay severance, if I sign a document. For no part of this process was HR present. Is that normal? Another former co-worker of mine who got let go in a previous round mentioned she thought this was sketchy. Just wondering what is common practice out there.

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