
Just got passed up for a promotion because I’m part time?

So I've been with my company for about over a decade. I'm the sole IT guy here and I'm crazy busy all the time. I'm responsible for a dozen servers and over 400 PC's, plus the network, our audio system, our IP phones, security cameras, RFID doors, and pretty much anything that runs on electricity. Yes I've taken our coffee maker apart from time to time to find out why it wasn't working. Last year we hired a new HR manager. She showed up and it became obvious she was just a head hunter, she probably spent less than 80 hours in her office the entire year she worked here. She worked from home hired employees off Linkedin and that's it. So she resigned about a month ago but she had been working on hiring me an assistant or a manager or anyone with some tech background that could lighten…

So I've been with my company for about over a decade. I'm the sole IT guy here and I'm crazy busy all the time. I'm responsible for a dozen servers and over 400 PC's, plus the network, our audio system, our IP phones, security cameras, RFID doors, and pretty much anything that runs on electricity. Yes I've taken our coffee maker apart from time to time to find out why it wasn't working.

Last year we hired a new HR manager. She showed up and it became obvious she was just a head hunter, she probably spent less than 80 hours in her office the entire year she worked here. She worked from home hired employees off Linkedin and that's it.

So she resigned about a month ago but she had been working on hiring me an assistant or a manager or anyone with some tech background that could lighten my load. She said it was really bad out there and there just weren't anyone techies job searching.

So as soon as she was gone I knew my help was absolutely not happening so I went to the director of my company and said, “Can I just get promoted? Everyone else is a manager, make me IT manager, give me a raise, and we'll call it a day.”

He said, “I totally agree, I'm on it.”

I get called into a meeting yesterday and said, “Well, I think this might still be possible, but we hit a snag. The CEO said no because you're only a part time employee.”

My jaw hit the floor, “What are you talking about? I work 40 hours every week and I'm on call 24/7. I'm the most full time employee we have.”

“Yeah, I know that, the whole team knows that, but the old HR lady told the CEO you were part time and you worked full time at another place and he doesn't think a part time employee should be a manager. We told him that was wrong, but he didn't believe us, so we're trying to convince him you work here full time.”

So this stupid HR lady that I only saw like 4 times in a year somehow made the decision I was part time from her house and now a promotion and raise is hanging in the balance because the CEO trusts her more than our other current managers.

The whole thing is making my blood boil, but the plus side is the way my team is defending me and some of the things I've heard them say make me realize they all really respect me, so that is kind of cool, but I want my fucking raise.

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