
Last-minute compromise narrows scope of nurse staffing bill that goes to MN governor

Minnesota almost passed a bill that would have given nurses a say in staffing, but they cut that out because Mayo Clinic didn't want it. Mayo is the largest employer in Minnesota, and they threatened to withhold $40 million (I think, could be billion) that they were going to put into the community. Mayo claimed that the passing of the original bill would hurt patients, without explaining why or how. Mayo has a huge shortage of nurses right now, and I know of nurses who have had to quit because they would go home sobbing because of how stressed and overworked they were. Mayo has done nothing to help their nurses and this just proves that they only care about money and don't care who they hurt to get it.

Minnesota almost passed a bill that would have given nurses a say in staffing, but they cut that out because Mayo Clinic didn't want it. Mayo is the largest employer in Minnesota, and they threatened to withhold $40 million (I think, could be billion) that they were going to put into the community. Mayo claimed that the passing of the original bill would hurt patients, without explaining why or how. Mayo has a huge shortage of nurses right now, and I know of nurses who have had to quit because they would go home sobbing because of how stressed and overworked they were. Mayo has done nothing to help their nurses and this just proves that they only care about money and don't care who they hurt to get it.

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