
Leaving job due to anxiety

I’ve been lurking here for a little bit and a good majority of the posts I see about people quitting their jobs is because they’re being underpaid or management is screwing them over in some way. I have been seriously considering leaving my job recently and going back to school, but I don’t share in those same struggles. My job pays relatively well, has very high job security, a good schedule, and I actually really like my direct supervisors. However, the profession itself has riddled me with so much anxiety it’s been affecting my personal life, and I’ve noticed it getting worse. Pretty soon I’m going to be going back to school (online) to get a business-related degree and pour my free time and creativity into writing, which has always been my passion and “dream job”. I guess the point of this post is that I felt very guilty about…

I’ve been lurking here for a little bit and a good majority of the posts I see about people quitting their jobs is because they’re being underpaid or management is screwing them over in some way. I have been seriously considering leaving my job recently and going back to school, but I don’t share in those same struggles.

My job pays relatively well, has very high job security, a good schedule, and I actually really like my direct supervisors. However, the profession itself has riddled me with so much anxiety it’s been affecting my personal life, and I’ve noticed it getting worse. Pretty soon I’m going to be going back to school (online) to get a business-related degree and pour my free time and creativity into writing, which has always been my passion and “dream job”.

I guess the point of this post is that I felt very guilty about wanting to leave my job because “what I liked about it” seemed to outweigh “what I didn’t like”, but I’m realizing now that overall happiness in life matters more than anything. So if any of you are in this position, don’t feel bad about leaving a field that isn’t meant for you. You only have one life, and you might as well spend it trying to find something you can enjoy doing.

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