
Leaving my “job”

Good morning I am a young vet who covers about 5 shifts a week ( day and night) in a clinic. I've been working here for almost 1 year now, and it's been an emotional roller coaster as they promised me great things in terms of training, obviously not fulfilling them. Furthermore, human resource management is non-existent. All my coworkersare dissatisfied with too much work, low pay (NO CONTRACT). When I point out to my employers that they have not kept their promise of training ( “we will offer training as to compensate for below minimum wage salary, like 1/2 of that ) they accuse me of not participating in clinical activities and being “disinterested”. I am supposed to show up in MY free time, clearly for free, so I could have time to receive such training since I don't have to follow my patients. Obviously they Did Stangely have…

Good morning I am a young vet who covers about 5 shifts a week ( day and night) in a clinic.

I've been working here for almost 1 year now, and it's been an emotional roller coaster as they promised me great things in terms of training, obviously not fulfilling them.

Furthermore, human resource management is non-existent. All my coworkersare dissatisfied with too much work, low pay (NO CONTRACT).

When I point out to my employers that they have not kept their promise of training ( “we will offer training as to compensate for below minimum wage salary, like 1/2 of that ) they accuse me of not participating in clinical activities and being “disinterested”.

I am supposed to show up in MY free time, clearly for free, so I could have time to receive such training since I don't have to follow my patients.
Obviously they Did Stangely have time at the beginning of my working months at the clinic so I could do all the basic chores that are necessary to keep patients going.
Asking me to attend in my free hours and showing “passion” and “dedication or ambition” seems quite absurd to me because these “lessons” are at their convenience, clinical activities sometimes without notice and NEVER with a clear time schedule for me to work around them. Clearly having a paint of extra helping hands (unpaid)
suits them.

Honestly, I'm tired of all of this emotional blackmail. They are lying clowns and I am burntout.

The hygiene and safety conditions depend on us DOCTORS. We are infested with mites and spiders of all kinds and we are expected to keep everything in order, while obviously being responsible for cleaning and disinfestation (they don't want to pay special companies), other than sometimes having to clean and attend to 7+ hospitalized horses.

As if all the above weren't enough, they often complain about our messiness.

I'd like to drop everything at short notice (after all, I don't have a contract…). I'm only sorry for my fellow shift workers because they would have to work their ass off to cover me… but I do suffer from frequent panic attacks before going to work.

“my dream job” turned into a nightmare I am being exploited.
I've been reporting my frustration for months and nothing much has ever been done to really help me or change my situation. My coworkers suffer from Stockholm syndrome I believe but complain about all the same and some have worked here for years although the employee turnover rate is very high unsurprisingly.

What would you do in my place?

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