
Leaving my summer job finally!

To start shit off, the breakroom doesn't have any kind of cooling system. No fan, windows, AC, nothing. It gets so hot in there that the toilet seat actually gets warm. I understand that its a very old building in a historic district so there's only so much they're allowed to do, but honestly, it should be illegal. The company can pay the board members to come to a 2 hour meeting about what color to paint the walls (again, historic district so there are rules) but they “can't afford” a fan for us? Bullshit. Exhibits have been breaking left and right. Especially with field trips and summer camps coming every other day. The teenagers that come with the field trips as chaperones don't do shit to watch the kids so they get into supply closets, tear up things, beat each other up, etc. I caught some kids from a…

To start shit off, the breakroom doesn't have any kind of cooling system. No fan, windows, AC, nothing. It gets so hot in there that the toilet seat actually gets warm. I understand that its a very old building in a historic district so there's only so much they're allowed to do, but honestly, it should be illegal. The company can pay the board members to come to a 2 hour meeting about what color to paint the walls (again, historic district so there are rules) but they “can't afford” a fan for us? Bullshit.

Exhibits have been breaking left and right. Especially with field trips and summer camps coming every other day. The teenagers that come with the field trips as chaperones don't do shit to watch the kids so they get into supply closets, tear up things, beat each other up, etc. I caught some kids from a camp ripping up a corner of the carpet Friday. I told my manager and now we have to have a big “all hands on deck” meeting about how we're not doing enough and its all our fault.

Several of my coworkers are leaving for school (its a good summer job for teenagers but I need the extra cash so I work there every summer) and our manager has been pissed that they'll be severely understaffed again. She's taking it out on everyone that's leaving, making our last weeks a living hell. IE, I had to host 3 parties yesterday without any help – it doesn't sound like a lot but its a shit ton of extra work. Why? She knows I'm efficient and can do it but refuses to train anyone else. Why, you may ask? Because according to her, the place “runs itself” and can operate “just fine” without any of us. She says this but she's salaried and only comes in for 4 hours out of the 5-8 hours she's supposed to work and she doesn't leave her (air conditioned) office. She's never had a floor position, just manager, so how would she know shit about how the place operates?

I suppose my manager thinks of us all as expendable. Lol have fun with 3 employees running the place (it takes closer to 8 to make it run well, 3 is the absolute bear minimum to keep shit from falling apart) I've worked there over the summer to keep myself occupied and bring in extra money but I think I'm done now. Just gonna abandon the sinking ship

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