
Left teaching and hate my new job too

I taught for 6 years. Love teaching but hate everything else about it. I finally quit. I was looking for a remote job and did a project management certification to look for PM work. Before I could find a remote job, my bf got laid off. I took a job in person in my town. The job itself is training and so much like teaching. I like that aspect and I like the freedom I have. However, I hate being in person, I hate being interrupted and bothered non stop all day by people coming through the office. I also now hate the idea that I have so little vacation time. Went from bad to bad. Fucking miserable ATM.

I taught for 6 years. Love teaching but hate everything else about it. I finally quit. I was looking for a remote job and did a project management certification to look for PM work. Before I could find a remote job, my bf got laid off. I took a job in person in my town. The job itself is training and so much like teaching. I like that aspect and I like the freedom I have. However, I hate being in person, I hate being interrupted and bothered non stop all day by people coming through the office. I also now hate the idea that I have so little vacation time. Went from bad to bad. Fucking miserable ATM.

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