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TLDR : 10 months in a position, 8 of which i made sales goals, however corporate is closing thay position off, I am given an ultimatum to move into a different position but manager feels like she doesn't trust me in said new position because of 2 bad months ….. Started a new job in Sept 2021, Returning to a company I was let go from in Jun 2020 after being furloughed thanks to the “virus of unspecified origins” Got told about the position from a friend and former co worker and having a shit of a time finding work, I apply and get called (fastlaned process because I “knew someone” etc etc) upon my interview I get told that i won't be working in department A as the application stated but department B because they need someone to fill an empty spot bla bla Both positions were sales, and…

TLDR : 10 months in a position, 8 of which i made sales goals, however corporate is closing thay position off, I am given an ultimatum to move into a different position but manager feels like she doesn't trust me in said new position because of 2 bad months


Started a new job in Sept 2021, Returning to a company I was let go from in Jun 2020 after being furloughed thanks to the “virus of unspecified origins”

Got told about the position from a friend and former co worker and having a shit of a time finding work, I apply and get called (fastlaned process because I “knew someone” etc etc)

upon my interview I get told that i won't be working in department A as the application stated but department B because they need someone to fill an empty spot bla bla

Both positions were sales, and my time with the company before made me assume that in either position I would be recieving commission for said sales.

So now I'm in department B with no real training (they give you a computer and you basically have to self educate on how to sell the departments products) but because I have experience in sales prior to the 2020 furlough, I pick it up quick and start racking up sales.

Come to find out that the department B position was always non commission and that after “3 months” probation I would be given the option of either getting commission or changing jobs (i.e. back to department A that I originally wanted)

By this time the regional sales manager has been in talks with me to bring me on permanently due to my great sales numbers, department organization etc etc… and she talks up a storm about the “great offer” she was going to make me to keep the job.

Come mid Jan, after learning from co workers in department A that they get 8% from department B sales and they have draws. I assumed I would be offered the same thing or at least something comparable. The “great offer” 2% but i dont have a draw.

Whatever, I'm the only one in the department, no sharks, no competition, I take the offer to see if it checks out financially. I'm once again told since new job code etc, I would need to wait 3 months before doing a job change request.

While having downtime (no customers, or busy moments in department A) I would lend a hand and assist on the floor, write sales, help customers etc. All while learning a department I didn't really know.

Fast forward to last week. What I'm told is a slow time of the year. And since being hired (even when i was non commish) i'm constantly being hounded by management regarding LY sales goals, despite being the person who gets a bigger department B goal to reach alone, the manager is also hounding the department A sales people to also sell from department B (just so the store makes goal)

Come to find out that they are discontinuing the department B sales people and either moving them into different departments or separating them from the company.

So with no other choice I am given the ultimatum,

take a job in department A,
return to the position I worked at prior to being let go in 2020.
Or work recovery (go backs , refolding clothes from fitting rooms etc)

When I without hesitation request the department A position, I get the manager acting skeptical to bring me in like she doesn't trust me to make the sales requirements of department A because of the 10 months I've been in my position I simply didn't make “goal” only 2 of those months.

She told me to “sleep on it” and come back to her with my decision the next day at work (for me that's tommorow) but do you feel that this manager is justified in putting me on probation again and being worried because of my “two bad months”

I apologize if this rant / question is hard to follow I just needed to vent / post for someone to give me their thoughts

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