
Looking for advice on attending my supervisors wedding

My supervisor invited me to her wedding. As of course wedding plans and invites come months before the actual event, my experiences and view of her have grown mostly sour and I no longer want to attend the wedding or spend any of my time outside of work around her. If I don’t go will this inevitably make my situation worse? Or should I go just to avoid the petty sourness and passive aggressiveness that will ensure if I don’t. A little bit of context, I work for a big firm who’s one of those “we’re all family” type places. Starting right out of college and being hooked by what I thought was her genuine care and kindness, I was excited when her fiancé proposed and she invited me to the wedding. Two years into working with her and I’ve seen her true colors. Blocking opportunities for my advancement, talking…

My supervisor invited me to her wedding. As of course wedding plans and invites come months before the actual event, my experiences and view of her have grown mostly sour and I no longer want to attend the wedding or spend any of my time outside of work around her.

If I don’t go will this inevitably make my situation worse? Or should I go just to avoid the petty sourness and passive aggressiveness that will ensure if I don’t.

A little bit of context, I work for a big firm who’s one of those “we’re all family” type places. Starting right out of college and being hooked by what I thought was her genuine care and kindness, I was excited when her fiancé proposed and she invited me to the wedding. Two years into working with her and I’ve seen her true colors. Blocking opportunities for my advancement, talking behind my back, and giving my peers preferential treatment. I’m mostly neutral in my current dealings with her and have a plan to leave the firm by the end of the year, but the wedding is this summer.

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