
Mass Unsubscribe and Delete Your Amazon Prime, Netflix, Warner Brothers and Disney accounts

I am making this post since mods deleted my previous post for being a screenshot. Today all these platfoms have come out stating in order to break the portest they should just allow the portest to go on until union leaders starting losing their homes and apartments. I don't know about you but I am fed up with these disgusting behavior and think something should be done in retaliation. Today everyone in this sub should cancel and delete their Amazon, Netflix, Warner and Disney accounts, they will lose monthly reaccuring charges and will be unable to sell your data. With it also being Prime Day it be a huge fuck you to Amazon if they were to see a huge decline in accounts. When you are asked why you are canceling tell them it is for the comments made by the studio about breaking the WGA.

I am making this post since mods deleted my previous post for being a screenshot. Today all these platfoms have come out stating in order to break the portest they should just allow the portest to go on until union leaders starting losing their homes and apartments. I don't know about you but I am fed up with these disgusting behavior and think something should be done in retaliation. Today everyone in this sub should cancel and delete their Amazon, Netflix, Warner and Disney accounts, they will lose monthly reaccuring charges and will be unable to sell your data. With it also being Prime Day it be a huge fuck you to Amazon if they were to see a huge decline in accounts. When you are asked why you are canceling tell them it is for the comments made by the studio about breaking the WGA.

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