
Moldy Tomato Salsa

Y'all I'm in a weird position. I was a stay at home mom for a year and half, but decided to get a part time job at a specialty market that's exclusive to my part of the state (US). I want to add at orientation they said they strive to be like Whole Foods. $14 a hour, whatever, it's something. Well, I chose produce to work in to cut down on my customer interactions. I prep, package, and restock. My first day, they bring me a couple of trays of MOLDY TOMATOES TO MAKE SALSA! Like white/ black spots growing on the tops. They said to just cut off as much mold as possible and use as much of it as possible. I was disgusted, just debated on walking out right then and there. Now I don't know what to do, if I report it they will know it's me…

Y'all I'm in a weird position. I was a stay at home mom for a year and half, but decided to get a part time job at a specialty market that's exclusive to my part of the state (US). I want to add at orientation they said they strive to be like Whole Foods. $14 a hour, whatever, it's something. Well, I chose produce to work in to cut down on my customer interactions. I prep, package, and restock. My first day, they bring me a couple of trays of MOLDY TOMATOES TO MAKE SALSA! Like white/ black spots growing on the tops. They said to just cut off as much mold as possible and use as much of it as possible. I was disgusted, just debated on walking out right then and there. Now I don't know what to do, if I report it they will know it's me who did it since everyone in this town is so tight knit. Should I just quit? I'm about to start my 3rd shift here in a hour, so if I don't reply to comments that's why.

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