
Money is made up

This is a pretty decent article that explains how central banks control everything (more so than govt). I'm tired of the conversation we keep getting about “how will we pay for this thing that will improve the lives of 99%”? If we want the thing, the money for it will appear, the same as when we need money for war or oil subsidies. Oh but inflation! The focus isn't on the actual numbers. The focus is on buying power, which is very local. Your lunch might be $5 in one area and the same lunch could cost $20 in another. But your wages for similar positions are probably pretty different by location as well. We're going to be dealing with cataclysmic level events in the next decade – even Pepsi is admitting that we'll run low on clean water in the next couple years ( Do you really think…

This is a pretty decent article that explains how central banks control everything (more so than govt).

I'm tired of the conversation we keep getting about “how will we pay for this thing that will improve the lives of 99%”? If we want the thing, the money for it will appear, the same as when we need money for war or oil subsidies.

Oh but inflation! The focus isn't on the actual numbers. The focus is on buying power, which is very local. Your lunch might be $5 in one area and the same lunch could cost $20 in another. But your wages for similar positions are probably pretty different by location as well.

We're going to be dealing with cataclysmic level events in the next decade – even Pepsi is admitting that we'll run low on clean water in the next couple years ( Do you really think you'll be safe in the US? Remember Flint?

We need to organize sooner rather than later.

Talk to your friends, your families, your coworkers. Just start getting people on the same page that current lifestyles aren't sustainable.
That we deserve better.
That the entire concept of profit for the company is how much value they were able to extract out of you without paying you for it.
That a handful of people have too much power with their wealth.
That companies cannot exist without labor.
That you have so much power, but it only works when you work together.

And then, we can organize.
And then, we can strike.

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