
My boss asked me to do my coworkers job

I work on marketing and we’re a new team for a growing company. We’ve recently been asked to conduct peer reviews, to review each others work to prevent mistakes. I use these peer reviews to improve our work for a variety of reasons like establishing our authority and expertise in the marketplace. Keep in mind that my coworkers refuse to use tools like grammarly to improve their writing and I’ve had to create a variety of templates that include specifications on how to write so that we’re not alienating our audience. In my most recent peer review, I suggested that my coworker wrote a BLUF statement. A BLUF statement – or bottom line upfront statement – is a just basically a summary. I recommended this based on the fact that my coworkers will only do the bare minimum and anything above and beyond – well, seems like they are complaining…

I work on marketing and we’re a new team for a growing company.

We’ve recently been asked to conduct peer reviews, to review each others work to prevent mistakes. I use these peer reviews to improve our work for a variety of reasons like establishing our authority and expertise in the marketplace. Keep in mind that my coworkers refuse to use tools like grammarly to improve their writing and I’ve had to create a variety of templates that include specifications on how to write so that we’re not alienating our audience.

In my most recent peer review, I suggested that my coworker wrote a BLUF statement. A BLUF statement – or bottom line upfront statement – is a just basically a summary. I recommended this based on the fact that my coworkers will only do the bare minimum and anything above and beyond – well, seems like they are complaining to my boss that I’m difficult.

So today my boss asked me to provide an example. I immediately recognized this and called it out as doing my coworkers job to which my boss replied ‘no it’s not’ and i responded ‘oh, yes it is’.

I continued to say that when given a task it’s my job to do my research and decide which course of action to take. If my coworkers can’t do they same – then that was their problem, not mine.

Time to start looking?

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