
My boss b*tches and moans if I come in at 9:05 and then b*tches and moans if I leave exactly at 5. Am I going mad?

Backstory, I live in Ny and take the train to work every Blue Collar job I’ve ever had there’s an understanding that shit happens and sometimes you’ll be a little late. Usually the threshold is like 9:15, after that you’re really late and should communicate. And this comes from the understanding that if need be you’ll stay late or work through lunch or whatever. Almost 9 times out of 10 in my industry you end up working late and doing more than your 40 hours so what’s 15 minutes here and there. But now at this new job, my boss expects you to be in your desk working at exactly 9, no if ands or butts. I’ve literally been in the lobby on the line to catch an elevator upstairs at 9 and been bitched at. So you would think with absolutely no flexibility on their end that if I…

Backstory, I live in Ny and take the train to work every Blue Collar job I’ve ever had there’s an understanding that shit happens and sometimes you’ll be a little late. Usually the threshold is like 9:15, after that you’re really late and should communicate. And this comes from the understanding that if need be you’ll stay late or work through lunch or whatever. Almost 9 times out of 10 in my industry you end up working late and doing more than your 40 hours so what’s 15 minutes here and there.

But now at this new job, my boss expects you to be in your desk working at exactly 9, no if ands or butts. I’ve literally been in the lobby on the line to catch an elevator upstairs at 9 and been bitched at.

So you would think with absolutely no flexibility on their end that if I leave at exactly 5, no big deal but no they bitch about that too. And it’s like rain, sleet, or snow I must be in at 9 but then you complain and wonder why I have no flexibility on my side and leave at exactly 5?

Am I the asshole? Am I mad? How’s the best way to handle this, just be their bitch?

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