
My boss caused my co workers to hate me.

So I M(35) am the only male in an front of house restaurant crew. Im the beverage and alcohol manager. Two months ago a co worker and I were moving a really heavy piece of equipment with a strap harness and I ended up getting a compression fracture in my back. I was out for two months. I recently returned to work and the bar was in disarray. Dirty, unorganized, and out of some necessary items we regularly stock. So I went to work getting stuff right again. Well the other day I noticed that the rest of the crew was being really cold and short with me. I was being friendly and professional like normal and wracking my brain what I could have done. Were they mad at me for being out injured? No, turns out the owner had made a misogynistic comment about needing a male to keep…

So I M(35) am the only male in an front of house restaurant crew. Im the beverage and alcohol manager. Two months ago a co worker and I were moving a really heavy piece of equipment with a strap harness and I ended up getting a compression fracture in my back. I was out for two months.

I recently returned to work and the bar was in disarray. Dirty, unorganized, and out of some necessary items we regularly stock. So I went to work getting stuff right again. Well the other day I noticed that the rest of the crew was being really cold and short with me. I was being friendly and professional like normal and wracking my brain what I could have done. Were they mad at me for being out injured? No, turns out the owner had made a misogynistic comment about needing a male to keep the place in could condition because obviously the women couldn’t handle it while I was out. He said this to the General Manager who is a woman, and she in turn told this to all the other women on the crew.

I’m so pissed he made the comment, I’m pissed she told the rest of the crew and that they are holding it against me. I tried to talk to the general manager about, apologizing for the position she was put in, but she refused making the comment that I should just focus on my work because the place obviously can’t function without me. She said this very sarcastically.

I totally understand that she is hurt. I’d be furious. I can understand how much it can suck to be a women in the workplace. But it’s not my fault. Now work is super awkward and some of the crew are going out of their way to be passive aggressively mean to me. I’ve always been good to my co workers and treated them with respect. This sucks

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