
My boss drank some jekyll juice I guess.

So I posted here a little bit ago with an uplifting tale of a great manager and great work culture. Well I just got fired/quit from there. I went to put in my notice and he told me “just fucking go home”. I have no idea what happened, it felt like someone just flipped a switch on his back. I started in mid March and picked up the job duties really quick, to a point that I was complimented by my trainer and the manager in question. Soon it got to a point where I started being the go-to person for my department (in April). I was doing great, loved the job, and was even being approached for potential leadership in the future. Then suddenly may hits and I've become enemy number 1. I'm being side eyed and given the cold shoulder. That escalated to snide remarks about my rate…

So I posted here a little bit ago with an uplifting tale of a great manager and great work culture. Well I just got fired/quit from there. I went to put in my notice and he told me “just fucking go home”. I have no idea what happened, it felt like someone just flipped a switch on his back. I started in mid March and picked up the job duties really quick, to a point that I was complimented by my trainer and the manager in question. Soon it got to a point where I started being the go-to person for my department (in April). I was doing great, loved the job, and was even being approached for potential leadership in the future. Then suddenly may hits and I've become enemy number 1. I'm being side eyed and given the cold shoulder. That escalated to snide remarks about my rate (which was higher than some veterans). This finally escalated to him reaming me for cell phone use when it's such a common practice that people watch movies on their station. This was last Friday, where we also discussed me coming in 2 hours earlier to set up communication with 1st shift. Monday rolls around and he seemed annoyed at me for coming in and leaving early (like we discussed). I took Tuesday off due to severe stomach illness. But he texts me that he wants me to now come in 5 hours earlier to get more training. When I asked if I could do 1hour later to avoid the tail end of rush hour he hit me with the equivalent of come in at 9 or not at all. Wednesday (today) comes around and I get a chance to talk to my trainer (also the department lead) about what training I need and he wasn't sure (wasn't even made aware I'd be in early), well what ever. So manager rolls in and basically just avoids me and seems irritated when I ask him about orders being missing. Finally I'm driving my forklift as I've been taught in my Amazon days (since I wasn't officially trained by them, they just looked at my resume and said good enough) which sent him over the edge as I'm “honking too much” at which point he begins to chew me out Infront of the whole floor while operating a fork lift with active load. Saying things about I need to obey the rules of -company-, started hanging the fact that I was a temp over my head, etc (throw in a bunch of F bombs too) so I contacted my temp firm, who said to give a 2 day notice, which resulted in start of story. Leason I learned your boss is NEVER EVER FUCKING NOT IN A BILLION YEARS your friend.

Tldr. Boss who spent the last 2 months showering me with praise blew his shit and chewed me out on the work floor. Boss is NEVER your friend.

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