
My boss is trying to act like my Mother and trying to force me to break up with my boyfriend.

Hi so I don't know where to begin or what I'm even trying to achieve form this post. Mainly to get it off my chest and to hear other opinions. Im currently working at a dog daycare and boarding facility iv been here for about 6 months that is fairly large. ( About 80 dogs a day 4-8 employees a day and 20 usually staying the night) Lately the turnover rate has been insane. There are new people coming and quitting every week and it's getting hard knowing everyone's names. We went through 2 sets of managers and assistant managers and about 20-25 new employees. The biggest reason people have been leaving is because the management has been unreasonable and are changing rules and procedures every day. Despite all of this I still do love my job and work as hard as I can to get stuff done. I like…

Hi so I don't know where to begin or what I'm even trying to achieve form this post. Mainly to get it off my chest and to hear other opinions.

Im currently working at a dog daycare and boarding facility iv been here for about 6 months that is fairly large. ( About 80 dogs a day 4-8 employees a day and 20 usually staying the night) Lately the turnover rate has been insane. There are new people coming and quitting every week and it's getting hard knowing everyone's names. We went through 2 sets of managers and assistant managers and about 20-25 new employees. The biggest reason people have been leaving is because the management has been unreasonable and are changing rules and procedures every day.

Despite all of this I still do love my job and work as hard as I can to get stuff done. I like how things run and are organized and I get along really well with my coworkers. Iv been working with dogs and animals for 6 years so I do take their care and safety very seriously.

The owner is honestly the biggest reason why there's so much stress because she has such high expectations that nobody can seem to reach since expectations change every day.
Me and the owner got into a heated conversation where she admitted that she has been stalking us through the cameras and overhearing our conversation. She was listening to me talk to another coworker about all the stress and low pay and how we were done and looking for new jobs.
So the owner basically started accusing me of everything that has gone wrong over the last few weeks and blaming me for causing all the drama and stress for everyone else because all I do in her eyes is “cut corners and complain constantly, and made this building filthy to work in”. She was telling me I'm the “highest paid out there” (I make 15, there's people who I know make 17)and that I should be grateful that she gave me a job at such a high and unrealistic wage.
I can admit there have been things I tried to do fast or in a more efficient way to make sure I get off my shift in time ( they are struggling with labor cost as well so they tell me to leave as soon as im finished.)

The weirdest part is that she would not stop talking about my boyfriend. We had a few very rough weeks because our relationship was rocky and we also got hot with a bunch of other expensive problems resulting in us having to use the food pantry and asking for help with rent from my parents. She was forcing me to explain what my boyfriend was doing and why he was “taking all of my money” and I just explained we had a bunch stuff happen. He also has epilepsy so it's hard for him to find a job lately that'll suit his needs.
I'm not sure when or how she got it out of me but I said he had a drug problem for a while but things got a lot better since we started dating (going to NA meetings and talking to professionals as well). But she refuses to listen to me and now she will not stop telling me that I need to leave him and go home with my parents. As much as I try to explain my situation to her she cuts me off and tells me “iv seen it all before and I know he is lying to you and your just enabling him to be a drug addict and that doesn't make you any better of a person for wanting to help him”
She also admitted that I make sooo much money but at the same time I can't afford to support 2 people on my income and thus I should leave my boyfriend because of it.

She then went on to tell me very dark and intimate details about her own life to like “prove” that she has dealt with this before and therefore knows better than me. It honestly made me super uncomfortable because I really didn't want to know any of that information she told me. She also admitted that he is the reason why I'm not getting a raise because she is so sure he is taking it from me ( he's not)

It's so disheartening because I never knew this is why iv been struggling to been seen or be able to do more for the company and seeing people way newer and less qualified fill in these higher positions as soon as I'm done training them. It seems impossible to move up in this company honestly.

I still currently have my job but it's honestly being held on by a thread. They are putting way more extra work on us (giving us tasks the cleaning company are supposed to do) and making tasks a lot harder to do that we never had a problem with before ( using brooms instead of the vacuum, and telling us that change a mop buckets after every single use.)
It's also been confusing because they changed up all the roles for the different positions and they also changed who's supposed to do what and it's made things a lot harder because most people don't know what their job is to do but are scared to do it because they don't know if they are even allowed to do it.

As of now she asked me to create a list for her of things I'd like to do more for the company. But she is also creating a list for me of everything that iv done to fuck up the business and how to stop. I honestly want to leave before them and I honestly don't want to give them a 2 week notice since I feel they have just disrespected me and fucked me over more then a few times. Iv gone through a few interviews and I'm still waiting on a response from them so I am planning on leaving asap.

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