
My boss literally says he can do whatever he wants cause he’s the boss.

I hate that so many bosses have this take. Instead of leading by example, they break their own rules. It gives me dictator vibes. In my case my step dad is my boss sadly. He tells me to be at his house by 7 every morning. Only problem is here recently he's kept me in the truck waiting for an hour on him so I started saying fuck it and getting over there a little later. Well today he has the nerve to go off on me about it and then I tried to explain to him that lately it seems like I've been wasting my gas and time to head over there and him not be ready. He says “I don't give a shit how long I make you wait. I'm your boss and I can do whatever i want. If you don't like it, leave”. Like is it…

I hate that so many bosses have this take. Instead of leading by example, they break their own rules. It gives me dictator vibes. In my case my step dad is my boss sadly. He tells me to be at his house by 7 every morning. Only problem is here recently he's kept me in the truck waiting for an hour on him so I started saying fuck it and getting over there a little later. Well today he has the nerve to go off on me about it and then I tried to explain to him that lately it seems like I've been wasting my gas and time to head over there and him not be ready. He says “I don't give a shit how long I make you wait. I'm your boss and I can do whatever i want. If you don't like it, leave”. Like is it me or does this guy just sound like a insecure control freak asshole ?

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