
My bosses want me to quit and are working me to death as a last resort to make sure it happens.

I've been at this new paper mill job for almost two months now, and it's been one of the worst experiences of my life. I had 3 days worth the training on 1 machine at a modest pace before they decided to throw me on a completely different machine the following week at a crazy fast pace meaning my 3 days worth the training was essentially down the tubes because i wasn't doing the same thing i was trained on. Then i check the schedule each and every single week and i'm one of only like 4 people in the entire mill who isn't assigned a machine, meaning i don't have a set position and i'm expected to do everything in said mill at an insanely fast rate while consistently asking my bosses what i have to do like a slave or else be fired which is just crazy to…

I've been at this new paper mill job for almost two months now, and it's been one of the worst experiences of my life. I had 3 days worth the training on 1 machine at a modest pace before they decided to throw me on a completely different machine the following week at a crazy fast pace meaning my 3 days worth the training was essentially down the tubes because i wasn't doing the same thing i was trained on. Then i check the schedule each and every single week and i'm one of only like 4 people in the entire mill who isn't assigned a machine, meaning i don't have a set position and i'm expected to do everything in said mill at an insanely fast rate while consistently asking my bosses what i have to do like a slave or else be fired which is just crazy to me. I have a million different stacking patterns i have to learn and no one helps me with anything 'i was thrown on a machine going 100 bags per minute with a tik tac toe stacking pattern one day which idk what that even is!!!' which makes me feel like they want me to fail.

I've also had people breathing down my neck for weeks now with an example being one of my supervisors talking about me to other associates as i was walking by and making fun of me, and other associates driving by on forklifts telling me if i don't go faster i'll be fired or never make it. I've had a boss say they're going to teach me something just for them to rip bags out of my hand forcefully and throw them on the line which made me feel worthless tbh and pissed me off. I've also had people jump on the line from there forklifts and rip bags out of my hand while talking to me in a rude tone and telling me they got this.

I've had been thrown from to 3 different machines in one day with three different stacking patterns and expected to keep pace when they're all different speeds and some of them have no fans on them meaning i was burning up hot and actually had to go home one day cause i got overheated and stressed out. We only get two 10 minute breaks and a 20 minute lunch during our entire shift '8 hr shift' and we only get an hr's worth the breaks if we're forced to do a 12 hr shift which also includes us not being allowed to leave the building btw on any of our breaks to get something to eat. I've had a boss called me a dumbass quietly, i've been getting rode frequently by people and i feel like i'm being set up to fail by this company for some odd reason 'i'm quiet and don't talk much so idk what i did to them' which makes me anxious and feel sick thinking about going into that place every week.

They will force overtime on you without asking you, and this week i'm being forced to work a saturday even though my schedule was already up and i was scheduled to work sunday night and be off saturday. In the last 4 weeks i will have worked '4th week being next week' i will have had 3 total days off because i've worked 2 out of the last 3 Sunday nights and only had Saturday off for 2 out of those 4 weeks, and this week i will have had no day off because i work saturday and sunday night. I will have gone 12 straight days essentially without a day off at this rate if i work all of next week and i feel burnt out mentally. I've found myself almost crying from the pressure 'embarrassing to admit' and i only stay cause my uncle got me in here and i wanna try helping my mom out so i'm sticking it out.

They also have me on probation for 90 days and have given me two performance reviews already, and said in my second review that if i don't improve these two places where i need checkmarks my probation will be extended or i'll be terminated essentially. They want me to go faster on the machines and not take a break while the machines are down meaning drink water or rest because they want me sweeping and working during that time. This job is literally causing me anxiety and stress beyond belief and i have no one to vent to or hear me out because people just tell me to suck it up because it's a job and i should deal with all of this. I'm sorry that this is such an insanely long post but i just needed to open up to somebody because i can't take much more of this.

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