
My job is making me come my coworkers and I come in on a day they previously told us we had off with only a 1 day notice.

So I work at a food processing factory. My normal shift is Sunday through Thursday and on Sunday my boss told us that we had Thursday off since first shift is cleaning and we can’t run right after everything is clean although we were allowed to volunteer if we wanted hours but most of us decided to just take the 3 day weekend and be happy. Yesterday (Wednesday), my supervisor had just finished a meeting and came and talked to everyone to tell us that we are forced to work tomorrow. Apparently they want us to come in to do a super deep clean on all of the equipment and everything after first shift finishes the normal cleaning. Idk why they felt the need to decide they wanted to do a deep clean last fucking minute or why they told us we had off in the first place if they…

So I work at a food processing factory. My normal shift is Sunday through Thursday and on Sunday my boss told us that we had Thursday off since first shift is cleaning and we can’t run right after everything is clean although we were allowed to volunteer if we wanted hours but most of us decided to just take the 3 day weekend and be happy.

Yesterday (Wednesday), my supervisor had just finished a meeting and came and talked to everyone to tell us that we are forced to work tomorrow. Apparently they want us to come in to do a super deep clean on all of the equipment and everything after first shift finishes the normal cleaning. Idk why they felt the need to decide they wanted to do a deep clean last fucking minute or why they told us we had off in the first place if they could just change it like that.

I already had plans to visit family I’ve been wanting to see for a long time and I had to call and cancel that. Many other people on my line had also made plans they were forced to cancel just so we can come in and fucking clean, I’d be more fine with actually running but no it’s just to clean and get dirty while doing it.

My boss tried to make us feel better by saying “ah well, it’s a day you guys usually work anyway so it’s not big deal” um yes it is a fucking big deal because now my plans are ruined because the company decided to change its mind last minute

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