
My mom got fired today

She worked for a medical supply company that recently gotten new management. That new management has made shaking people down for money and holding ostomy supplies out of reach until people pay up on late bills a priority. She and half her team were laid off today, leaving two people total running their phones. To get her severance (one month's pay) she has to sign a contract stating she won't discuss the severance amount with her former coworkers. She's not signing but she sure is looking for a lawyer.

She worked for a medical supply company that recently gotten new management. That new management has made shaking people down for money and holding ostomy supplies out of reach until people pay up on late bills a priority. She and half her team were laid off today, leaving two people total running their phones. To get her severance (one month's pay) she has to sign a contract stating she won't discuss the severance amount with her former coworkers. She's not signing but she sure is looking for a lawyer.

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