
My new job asked for a trial shift….after already hiring me

I interviewed for a full-time cafe job on the 20th of June for a cafe that was opening soon. During the interview, the owner mentioned that they were having a “training” session with the coffee company the next day that “you don’t have to attend but it might be nice if you did”. She then texted me later that day to say that she wanted me on board when the cafe opened, and that the training had been postponed a week because of an issue with coffee machine installation. No problem, I showed up the next week on the 27th June for the training session, which was running severely late and ended up lasting almost three hours. On that day, she told me they were opening Wednesday of the next week (5th July) and that she would send me a roster before then. 4th July, I still hadn’t heard anything…

I interviewed for a full-time cafe job on the 20th of June for a cafe that was opening soon. During the interview, the owner mentioned that they were having a “training” session with the coffee company the next day that “you don’t have to attend but it might be nice if you did”. She then texted me later that day to say that she wanted me on board when the cafe opened, and that the training had been postponed a week because of an issue with coffee machine installation.

No problem, I showed up the next week on the 27th June for the training session, which was running severely late and ended up lasting almost three hours. On that day, she told me they were opening Wednesday of the next week (5th July) and that she would send me a roster before then.

4th July, I still hadn’t heard anything from her so I texted asking if the opening was going ahead. I finally got a text message back at almost 6pm saying the opening had been delayed due to the council being away on leave.

I once again had heard nothing from them until today, when she called me out of the blue to tell me she wants me in for a trial shift “before we open next week”. So now I’m sitting at home, incredibly pissed off and about to text her a message about my opinions of being asked to do a trial shift for a job she already hired me for.

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