
My new job is making the entire staff do hours of online training

Without pay. We have to do it on our own time at home, I’ve been trying to take shortcuts and it’s still taken me around 3 hours and I’m not even halfway done. This is a starting position making minimum wage at a restaurant. Why should I have to spend hours of my scarce off time watching training videos and taking tests. They let us know 3 days ago that if it wasn’t done by today we’d be fired. Honestly should be illegal.

Without pay. We have to do it on our own time at home, I’ve been trying to take shortcuts and it’s still taken me around 3 hours and I’m not even halfway done. This is a starting position making minimum wage at a restaurant. Why should I have to spend hours of my scarce off time watching training videos and taking tests. They let us know 3 days ago that if it wasn’t done by today we’d be fired. Honestly should be illegal.

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