
My old boss had the nerve to tell me I needed to stop making plans on my days off so he could have me come in to work

Last night at work we were all discussing shitty managers we’ve had in the past and I got to tell this story that happened about 10 months ago. In my last job the manager there was a super chill guy and I enjoyed working for him. He got fired because of low sales and replaced with the biggest asshole in the store(besides HR). I could immediately tell he was one of those bosses who expects you to work even if you drop dead halfway through(I almost did many times due to my failing health). I often used my days off to rest myself mentally and physically and basically every other week he’d ask me to come in and I’d tell him that I couldn’t because I had plans/was busy. This was usually a lie but he never appreciated me on days I was scheduled so I certainly wasn’t about to…

Last night at work we were all discussing shitty managers we’ve had in the past and I got to tell this story that happened about 10 months ago.

In my last job the manager there was a super chill guy and I enjoyed working for him. He got fired because of low sales and replaced with the biggest asshole in the store(besides HR). I could immediately tell he was one of those bosses who expects you to work even if you drop dead halfway through(I almost did many times due to my failing health). I often used my days off to rest myself mentally and physically and basically every other week he’d ask me to come in and I’d tell him that I couldn’t because I had plans/was busy. This was usually a lie but he never appreciated me on days I was scheduled so I certainly wasn’t about to add to that.

He eventually pulled me aside and told me that I needed to stop making plans in case I was needed because we were short staffed and I looked at him and said “yea that’s really not my fucking problem”. To combat this he tried scheduling me 7 days a week which got him wrote up as I was 16 at the time and went to school full time. He made sure that my work life was hell after that and I was nearly driven to suicide because he caused me so much stress and anxiety.

I can’t understand why so many assholes become managers when having someone like the previous manager improves morale and leads to better productivity because the employees don’t hate their job as much.

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