
My partners job went back on their offer to go full remote after we found a new place to live.

I'll make this as short as possible and keep it to relevant information. A little background first. My partner has moved out of hospitality and into HR a few years ago and has had a hard time with her past few years. Her first job was with gusto but was let go after a year due to them outsourcing the department to another country. Her next job was with a big hotel chain but there were some ethical issues with the company so she moved on from them after about 18 months. Then she found her current job. On paper this job looked amazing. Great benefits, hybrid remote, stories of $10+k raises and bonuses, etc. However she was hired into a coordinator role so her pay wasn't great but we figured she would be there in no time and the bonuses would help us pay for our first house one…

I'll make this as short as possible and keep it to relevant information. A little background first.

My partner has moved out of hospitality and into HR a few years ago and has had a hard time with her past few years. Her first job was with gusto but was let go after a year due to them outsourcing the department to another country. Her next job was with a big hotel chain but there were some ethical issues with the company so she moved on from them after about 18 months. Then she found her current job.

On paper this job looked amazing. Great benefits, hybrid remote, stories of $10+k raises and bonuses, etc. However she was hired into a coordinator role so her pay wasn't great but we figured she would be there in no time and the bonuses would help us pay for our first house one day. Immediately after starting she picked up more and more responsibility. She was soon in charge of LOA's, open enrollment, benefits audits, working directly with vendors, changes in the benefits structure, education, etc. We thought this was great, the company does raises in February every year so even though it was only 6 months in she should still get a pretty big raise now that her job description has changed. She got a $3k raise. That's not the only problem though, there were new hires getting paid $10-$15K more than she was with less experience and less responsibility. They instituted a rule that instead of 2 random days a week in the office, they had to be Monday through Thursday in the office. She was pretty upset so she started advocating for herself pretty hard. She sent her current job description vs the one she was hired with to show the difference. She was then told she would be getting a new title and a raise in july.

So July has come around and she was just tole there would be no raise. However they said she could go full remote and would receive a bonus. I am currently a beverage sales rep with a small local colorado company and I've been eyeing the vail valley territory for some time. We have both lived in vail in the past and were excited for the opportunity to go back. So I spoke with my boss and got the job, then we went out to the mountains and found an apartment (havnt signed lease or paid deposit yet). So she went back into work and told her boss, thank you so much we're moving to the mountains. The boss went to tell the director of the department and was immediately told no and that the option to go remote was only for roles that were hard to fill.

So now we're kind of limbo. My partner absolutely hates her job now and feels like she could never trust a word they say. She wants to quit and find another job and still make the move, but I'm concerned 2 months isn't long enough. I'm also concerned that even though she has experience in her new role, she hasn't been with the company long enough to get noticed in a stack of resumes. I've told her that I'm ok staying another year and we could figure out something later. She's pretty dead set on leaving. I don't want her to have to take a step back but I don't want her to stay at a job she hates. We're going to have another conversation tonight about what our options are. And I have a conversation with my boss about my final answer for the new territory tomorrow morning. I guess I'm just looking for some impit from other people here. Hopefully some options I can go over with her tonight that'll make this easier.

Other things to note. The HR director said she can put together a proposal to the CEO to go full remote so my partners boss said she was going to do that for her becuase she wants her to stay. All of the benefits manager jobs on zip recruiter show a pay range where the lowest amount is still $10-15k more per year than she makes currently. And she got an awesome certification this year also. My new territory will pay more but not enough for one of us to be unemployed.

Tl;dr: My partner has gotten the bait and switch 3 times at her current job. 2 about a raise, 1 about going full remote. They went back on full remote after I got the ok to transfer to a new territory. Now we're stuck. We are trying to balance happiness at work vs trying to make a Lateral or Upward move.

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