
My underpaid office job is pushing me back into a bad depression. I apply to about 4 jobs a day. What now?

I've been here about three years. The last two, the goalpost gets moved about once a week. But when it does, the meeting you get with management makes it seem like it was always this way, not that it's just now changing. So I'm getting in trouble for things that are going into effect now, because I wasn't doing them before. (????) I will meet a goal, then the parameters of the goal get changed, so the next week I'm doing my job differently. Then the next, then the next. I exceed my numbers every day (not a joke, I keep records for myself) but I'm not “meeting that goal in the way they'd like”. I finished a project and turned it in before EOD the day it was due. I got an email the next day and I quote “While you did turn this in on time, we were…

I've been here about three years. The last two, the goalpost gets moved about once a week. But when it does, the meeting you get with management makes it seem like it was always this way, not that it's just now changing. So I'm getting in trouble for things that are going into effect now, because I wasn't doing them before. (????) I will meet a goal, then the parameters of the goal get changed, so the next week I'm doing my job differently. Then the next, then the next. I exceed my numbers every day (not a joke, I keep records for myself) but I'm not “meeting that goal in the way they'd like”. I finished a project and turned it in before EOD the day it was due. I got an email the next day and I quote “While you did turn this in on time, we were expecting it to be done sooner.” I cry every day after work. I sit on my lunch and apply to jobs all across the area. I'm at a loss.

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