
never showed up on first day..

i wish i could post this on indeed and leave a review for this company (and i will not shout out their name or give any specifics) but i am unable to find their company now! so from what i gathered at the interview (by simply observing) as the company itself didn’t mention whatsoever was it merged, or at least recently merged. i will admit this was my fault for not asking but they weren’t offering me much and the interviewer actually told me my skills weren’t transferable despite being transferable. i know how to use a drill, a tape measure and i know how to read in 1/16th. those were things she asked me despite telling me my skills weren’t transferable at the interview. however, she tells me they go through a temp-agency and i need to call them for an orientation to start there. i call them as…

i wish i could post this on indeed and leave a review for this company (and i will not shout out their name or give any specifics) but i am unable to find their company now!

so from what i gathered at the interview (by simply observing) as the company itself didn’t mention whatsoever was it merged, or at least recently merged. i will admit this was my fault for not asking but they weren’t offering me much and the interviewer actually told me my skills weren’t transferable despite being transferable. i know how to use a drill, a tape measure and i know how to read in 1/16th. those were things she asked me despite telling me my skills weren’t transferable at the interview.

however, she tells me they go through a temp-agency and i need to call them for an orientation to start there. i call them as soon as my interview is done and the lady at the temp-agency tells me the position i just interviewed for doesn’t exist and names a position that was hardly mentioned and another that wasn’t mentioned whatsoever at the interview. at this point, i’m confused and tell her the above and she says she’ll sort it out with the company before my scheduled orientation with the temp-agency. i say okay and wait until the morning of the orientation to call and see what the result was to see if my time was being wasted. sure as crap, the job titles changed over the weekend, after my interview.

i inform them i’m not interested in orientation or starting the next day as planned. they tried to offer me jobs that offered slightly more and were similar but i got offered a high paying job out of the blue so i took that. <3

lesson is (to those looking for a job): stand your own ground when it comes to employers/companies. refuse to play their games. if they really wanted/needed you, they’d do everything to get you. you deserve the best! <3

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