
New store manager is actively destroying our team and none of the higher up’s seem to care.

Throwaway to try to keep this from coming back to me. I’m an employee at a retail location (soon not to be anymore, 2 weeks is almost up). We got a new store manager at our location within the last 2 months, and since day 1 they have been actively making the store a nightmare for the entire team and it’s infuriating because no one seems to be able to do anything or care to. Now granted, lots of frustration comes down to the fact that policy changes are coming down from corporate at the same time as the new SM’s joining us, so there’s a certain unavoidable amount of frustration that comes from policy changing, rules changing, requirements, etc. having said that, our SM also has 0 experience with the business at all, they were hired from outside the business from somewhere else entirely. So from day 1 they…

Throwaway to try to keep this from coming back to me.

I’m an employee at a retail location (soon not to be anymore, 2 weeks is almost up). We got a new store manager at our location within the last 2 months, and since day 1 they have been actively making the store a nightmare for the entire team and it’s infuriating because no one seems to be able to do anything or care to.

Now granted, lots of frustration comes down to the fact that policy changes are coming down from corporate at the same time as the new SM’s joining us, so there’s a certain unavoidable amount of frustration that comes from policy changing, rules changing, requirements, etc. having said that, our SM also has 0 experience with the business at all, they were hired from outside the business from somewhere else entirely. So from day 1 they were a new SM with no experience in any of the company, on top of everything changing meaning all the team’s old way of doing things and knowledge was basically useless.

However that’s just the start, and the small stuff. Since then things have actively gotten worse and worse…

  • Our store has a trash compactor in the stock room that is supposed to be left locked up anytime it’s not in use, and is ONLY supposed to be used if there’s a team of 2 people (one manager minimum and one other person). Not only has the SM developed a habit of leaving the compactor open when they’re done using it, they actively told one of our managers that they “didn’t have time for that” when they mentioned there needed to be 2 people, and then sent them away to go work on something else while they continued doing trash alone.

  • SM had a bit of a argument with our FES (front end supervisor), which resulted in them sending the FES home immediately. Later, they were telling people that the FES cussed them out and walked out on them, despite the fact that the FES says they didn’t cuss her out, Is not known to have ever done anything of the sort, and was told to leave, did not walk out. FES was put on suspension “pending investigation”, nothing happened to SM.

  • SM has had several people report them to HR since they started here, for various comments and actions. SM has not only claimed to have FULL knowledge of who reported them and why, but has actively complained about the people reporting her TO OTHER ASSOCIATES. No one in the store feels comfortable calling the HR line anymore for fear that they’ll know about it anyway despite it being an anonymous line. They even claimed other people who have reported them despite the employees in question not having done so

  • has made many many comments that make various different employees incredibly uncomfortable, including but not limited to…

Telling a manager to tell a girl crying about stuff at home going on that “she needs to be VERY afraid for her job”.

Making comments to an employee IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SALES FLOOR asking if the cut on their face was “from your wife beating you up?” And “your only seasonal so I can fire you at any time”. Multiple customers and associates heard.

Made a comment about “if they (corporate) come after me I know for sure I’m not the one who’ll be going down”

referred to our DM’s former work experience as “that ghetto work environment”

Telling our associates who are currently going to college that college was a waste of time

“Managers should be exempt from needing to be bag checked when they leave the building”

  • they’re also actively trying to undermine our ASM, telling associates that a different manager is their assistant, and actively looking to promote that manager to their assistant despite our ASM doing nothing wrong, supposedly being under contract, and the other manager having no interest in it.

  • have already taken multiple 2-3 day vacations despite still only having been there for 2 months.

  • refused to learn how to make the schedule properly, and then when it became an issue, gave our schedule to a different store manager from a different location entirely who did not know anyone’s availability to have them do it.

  • left our store in the middle of their shift to go get food despite their being NO OTHER MANAGEMENT ON DUTY, for almost an hour.

And this is only the stuff I can currently remember. HR’s been useless, people suspect the DM is on their side and feeding them information despite them apparently hating each other, and one of our managers called our zone director only to be told we all need to “sit tight”. People are actively worried for their jobs and furious, but no one knows what to do.

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