
No ADP (check stubs) no performance review/evaluation in over a year.

I work for a big hotel company. I’m pretty sure I started here last March, so it’s been over a year. We are supposed to have quarterly/some time amount reviews for raises. I’ve been asking my managers for access to check stubs for a while, but they cannot/have not been given access to it by their supervisor to then give the access to me. I also can’t get them to do my evaluations for raises, as I am making the same amount of money I was when I started here. Is there anything I can do in regards to either of these problems?

I work for a big hotel company. I’m pretty sure I started here last March, so it’s been over a year. We are supposed to have quarterly/some time amount reviews for raises. I’ve been asking my managers for access to check stubs for a while, but they cannot/have not been given access to it by their supervisor to then give the access to me. I also can’t get them to do my evaluations for raises, as I am making the same amount of money I was when I started here. Is there anything I can do in regards to either of these problems?

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