
No idea what happened

UPDATE I posted a few days ago that I just started a job, was 5 days in and hated it for a multitude of reasons. I thought about it for a couple of days and talked w/ my husband and decided the best thing to do was give notice and quit. Went tonight at the normal time to hand keys, and security badge in and no one was there. Finally a coworker I've exchanged some friendly banter with a couple of times shows up and I hand him everything, apologize for making him the middle man, but I didn't have the bosses #. He asked if I was quitting and I said yeah I just didn't see it working out and I left. The recruiter called 20 minutes later wanting to know what was happening. My boss called really upset saying I exchanged heated words w/my coworker, yelled something vulgar…

UPDATE I posted a few days ago that I just started a job, was 5 days in and hated it for a multitude of reasons. I thought about it for a couple of days and talked w/ my husband and decided the best thing to do was give notice and quit.

Went tonight at the normal time to hand keys, and security badge in and no one was there. Finally a coworker I've exchanged some friendly banter with a couple of times shows up and I hand him everything, apologize for making him the middle man, but I didn't have the bosses #. He asked if I was quitting and I said yeah I just didn't see it working out and I left. 

The recruiter called 20 minutes later wanting to know what was happening. My boss called really upset saying I exchanged heated words w/my coworker, yelled something vulgar about my boss and stormed out.

NONE of that happened. Not even close. I have no idea what the hell I did to make these people go out of their way to lie and try to get me in trouble. My boss told the recruiter I wanted to take shortcuts and refused to work, but not only did I do everything I was supposed to, I brought my own magic erasers and cleaned a break room table that had been stained and gross. It looked so good one of the office employees commented on it.

Thankfully the recruiter is on my side and says after speaking to me daily for 2 months she finds the accusations unbelievable.

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