
nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe (a short rant)

I applied for a job. I was called in to interview. During the interview I was told the starting wage is $4/hr lower than the wage listed on the 'now hiring' sign. I need the work so I accepted the job, saying I could only work morning shifts, and that I cannot stay late into the evenings. Arrive on Day 1 at 8am as instructed. Manager on duty didn't know I was hired, and didn't know I was starting that day. They fumble with the computer for almost 15 minutes, then inform me they can't figure out how to enter me into the system. They ask me to leave and return later that afternoon. I go home. I sit all day waiting till 1pm. At Noon they call me and tell me 'they're too busy to train today, please return tomorrow'. I return on Day 2 as instructed. Manager on…

I applied for a job. I was called in to interview. During the interview I was told the starting wage is $4/hr lower than the wage listed on the 'now hiring' sign. I need the work so I accepted the job, saying I could only work morning shifts, and that I cannot stay late into the evenings.

Arrive on Day 1 at 8am as instructed. Manager on duty didn't know I was hired, and didn't know I was starting that day. They fumble with the computer for almost 15 minutes, then inform me they can't figure out how to enter me into the system. They ask me to leave and return later that afternoon. I go home. I sit all day waiting till 1pm. At Noon they call me and tell me 'they're too busy to train today, please return tomorrow'.

I return on Day 2 as instructed. Manager on duty didn't know I was hired, and didn't know I was starting that day. They ask for 2 forms of ID – I explain I've already provided ID after the interview, and that they already taken photocopies of those IDs. They fumble with the computer for almost 15 minutes, then inform me they do not have the scanned copies of my ID that was scanned days beforehand. They then ask me to return tomorrow because they cannot allow me to start without verifying my DL & SSN (I don't carry my SSN card with me, so I didn't have it on me). During this conversation they inform me that they actually are hiring for evening shifts, and that the business closes at midnight.

This is a business that has been perpetually short staffed and 'now hiring' for years on end… Gee, I wonder why?

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