
Nobody wants to work anymore rant

After seeing multiple posts on different social media sites I felt I needed to get something off my chest, figured here was the place to do it. I really love when people say “nobody wants to work anymore” like it's some huge gotcha about this generation. Nobody has ever wanted to work. That's why they have to pay us to do it. I now only respond with one question, “Are you telling me that if all your needs were met you would genuinely still want to work? You can't think of anything, absolutely anything, you'd rather do?” If, and it's rare, anyone actually answers yes to that question I follow up with “No travelling, no hobbies, no spending time with the people you care about? You'd rather be working yourself into exhaustion so someone else can be rich? Think about that, do what you will with it”. Can you imagine…

After seeing multiple posts on different social media sites I felt I needed to get something off my chest, figured here was the place to do it.

I really love when people say “nobody wants to work anymore” like it's some huge gotcha about this generation. Nobody has ever wanted to work. That's why they have to pay us to do it. I now only respond with one question, “Are you telling me that if all your needs were met you would genuinely still want to work? You can't think of anything, absolutely anything, you'd rather do?” If, and it's rare, anyone actually answers yes to that question I follow up with “No travelling, no hobbies, no spending time with the people you care about? You'd rather be working yourself into exhaustion so someone else can be rich? Think about that, do what you will with it”.

Can you imagine if scientists and medical professionals were allowed to research without having to plead for grants from greedy capitalist entities, just because that is what interests them. Think of the breakthroughs we could have had. Cures to diseases that someone has decided it's more profitable to treat than cure. What about mechanics who want to build better, more efficient ways to travel, but not having to deal with the fossil fuel industry making their developments to expensive to manufacture.

Think of how it feel to wake up and decide what you wanted to do that day. Do you want to learn how to cook a certain dish, paint a masterpiece, design a more efficient battery for solar panels or simply just see part of the world you haven't seen before? But instead you have to get in your car, drive through rush hour traffic to a job you don't like to work hard enough to allow some fat cat CEO to buy another holiday home while you decide whether you can afford to treat yourself to a takeout or if that will ruin your budget for the month.

Fuck man we did something wrong to get to this point!

If you're still here, thanks for reading. Just needed to unload some stuff.

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