
Not enough work to stay busy

So I got a new job and it has been fine. I have good benefits and get paid okay but I don’t have enough work to do and it’s frustrating. I will send 3 emails the whole day and I just have to sit here in the office. I’m not sure how to pass the time. It’s crazy because I have done manual labor and lots of shitty service jobs so I should be happy to have a nice job. I just can’t stand the downtime and not having anything to do. It makes for super slow days. The funniest part is my boss loves me and is impressed with my work. When there is work to do….. Is it bad that I want to get a new job just because im extremely bored?

So I got a new job and it has been fine. I have good benefits and get paid okay but I don’t have enough work to do and it’s frustrating. I will send 3 emails the whole day and I just have to sit here in the office. I’m not sure how to pass the time.

It’s crazy because I have done manual labor and lots of shitty service jobs so I should be happy to have a nice job. I just can’t stand the downtime and not having anything to do. It makes for super slow days. The funniest part is my boss loves me and is impressed with my work. When there is work to do…..

Is it bad that I want to get a new job just because im extremely bored?

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