
Notice how nothing ever changes…

Same ol' highway traffic jams twice a day. Same ol' human race trading time for money. Same ol' fake news, lies & scams to scare everyone into compliance. Same ol' 3 letter agencies protecting the same ol' rich, dead dude companies robbing us 24/7 and dictating our future. Same ol' you and same ol' me, still playin' the same ol' song & dance, bullshit games for people who no longer love us. Why do we do it? We all know how this story ends.

Same ol' highway traffic jams twice a day. Same ol' human race trading time for money. Same ol' fake news, lies & scams to scare everyone into compliance. Same ol' 3 letter agencies protecting the same ol' rich, dead dude companies robbing us 24/7 and dictating our future.

Same ol' you and same ol' me, still playin' the same ol' song & dance, bullshit games for people who no longer love us.

Why do we do it? We all know how this story ends.

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