
One-uppers, Saboteurs, and other Toxic Fun

I love my job, love my bosses, but this is the second time I've found myself dealing with a crazy person at work (Director-level employee, I'm the EA to the CEO). Both female, both same age demographic. Anybody else had this? Why are women so awful at work?? So anyhow, I'm kinda thinking it's “Fuck this Shit O'Clock” but want some feedback before I submit my notice. Here's a little snapshot of what I deal with on the daily: Ridiculous One-upping / Name Dropping A hotel is suggested – oh, yes, she's been there, many times, OR tells leadership it sucks [if same hotel is suggested by ME] Vegas? Of course she has worked that show a “million times” (calls to ask me how to get somewhere, goofs on scheduled meetings) Fancy exclusive events? Oh yes, she hits them all (will interrupt work day sending leadership team images of her…

I love my job, love my bosses, but this is the second time I've found myself dealing with a crazy person at work (Director-level employee, I'm the EA to the CEO). Both female, both same age demographic. Anybody else had this? Why are women so awful at work??
So anyhow, I'm kinda thinking it's “Fuck this Shit O'Clock” but want some feedback before I submit my notice. Here's a little snapshot of what I deal with on the daily:
Ridiculous One-upping / Name Dropping

  • A hotel is suggested – oh, yes, she's been there, many times, OR tells leadership it sucks [if same hotel is suggested by ME]
  • Vegas? Of course she has worked that show a “million times” (calls to ask me how to get somewhere, goofs on scheduled meetings)
  • Fancy exclusive events? Oh yes, she hits them all (will interrupt work day sending leadership team images of her “best day ever”
  • Oh yes, I know so-and-so well, I'll give them a call (call never leads anywhere, or doesn't happen)
  • Gets put off when external contacts go to me for event info first (despite me providing her lead-in)

Ignores protocol

  • Blattenly throws time on my CEOs calendar w/o checking with me, or including an agenda, ignoring conflicts (this is very much tolerated by CEO, forcing me to expend unexpected time to shuffle other meetings without knowing the priority
  • Does not copy or include me on invites/emails that pertain to my boss

Ideal Stealer

  • Literally took an amazing morphed out slide I created for a deck, presented it in a leadership meeting as her own – received high praise, while I was ON THE CALL

Mean Girl

  • Discusses things she saw as administrative failures on a leadership call [nearly all of the “failures” she referenced were misrepresented, untrue, or of her own doing and were [indirectly] directed at me, the only ADMINISTRATOR we have at the company] – moreover, a leadership call is not the place or the time. Event feedback with regard to logistics should be with those who were a part OF the event – this went on for 30 min.

So yeah, help me out my favorite cohort! Let me know your thoughts. I don't really need this job, but I happen to really like everyone on the team but her and her boss. What to do, what to do….

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