
Only staff member to be made redundant suddenly after complaining about someone

So I was working in a dental lab for a year, never had complaints about my work etc and me plus 2 others have to work with a guy in there who does the finishing/shading on crowns etc in his section of the lab. He’s self employed and the rest of us aren’t. He’s an alcoholic with serious issues and very angry all day and makes his problems ours. Me and another decided to complain to the employer due to the constant anxiety from being involved in his aggressive ranting and profuse swearing etc. he was talked to and he’s also highly valued due to his level of work and them. There were talks about there being changes to the lab in the sense that there was going to be a milling machine out in one section and we would be squished together a bit more. A week after complaining…

So I was working in a dental lab for a year, never had complaints about my work etc and me plus 2 others have to work with a guy in there who does the finishing/shading on crowns etc in his section of the lab. He’s self employed and the rest of us aren’t. He’s an alcoholic with serious issues and very angry all day and makes his problems ours.

Me and another decided to complain to the employer due to the constant anxiety from being involved in his aggressive ranting and profuse swearing etc. he was talked to and he’s also highly valued due to his level of work and them.

There were talks about there being changes to the lab in the sense that there was going to be a milling machine out in one section and we would be squished together a bit more.

A week after complaining about the guy, I get brought in for a chat and get slapped with a notice and told they’re partnering up with said guy and “moving the lab away from the practice” and was no longer needed. I got paid leave for three weeks and came in the following Monday (I was told 5 minutes before I left work for the weekend so had no chance to think about it) and when I asked again he made sure I stopped using that word and used dismissal instead. The guy who I complained about is a bit socially inept and stuttered something about a new guy coming in to do my job when we pressured him into explaining what the fuck was going on.

Told the staff I found another job despite being left jobless and no interviews being successful.

My “termination package” came today and was barely my monthly wage, no holidays added or anything.

I don’t know if I’ve been replaced yet but is this unfair if so? They’re aware I have bad ADHD and I’m also suffering from depression which I’ve had to double up my meds for since. I have rent and bills to pay and I’m supposed to be moving into a house that we’ve just bought. Have I been dismissed for being slower or more forgetful than normal people?

I’m UK and lost what to do. I can barely afford food this month

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