

Many years back I took a role with a DIY company, did not take long to work out the place was utterly disorganised from top to bottom and after a few days decided to quit. Come Friday I get to lunch time and think I'm off, no notice I simply pack my stuff and head off to the pub, simply taking 5 mins out to call in and leave a message saying I've left and not coming back. Anyway, land a new job and my pay turns up (a few weeks late, as I said they were disorganised) and they've over paid me by some £20 so I figure that's there bad an think no more about it. Well a few months later a letter pops up from some solicitors, no calls etc saying can we have the twenty back (as I said disorganised) it's oh well let's pop it…

Many years back I took a role with a DIY company, did not take long to work out the place was utterly disorganised from top to bottom and after a few days decided to quit.

Come Friday I get to lunch time and think I'm off, no notice I simply pack my stuff and head off to the pub, simply taking 5 mins out to call in and leave a message saying I've left and not coming back.

Anyway, land a new job and my pay turns up (a few weeks late, as I said they were disorganised) and they've over paid me by some £20 so I figure that's there bad an think no more about it.

Well a few months later a letter pops up from some solicitors, no calls etc saying can we have the twenty back (as I said disorganised) it's oh well let's pop it legal.

So I decide to write to the solicitors and point out that I disagreed with the fact I was overpaid, that correct process hadn't been followed and as pay was late arriving I was happy to see them in court.

Another six months go by, yes six whole months before another letter arrives from the same solicitors saying that they're not proceeding with any action and to ignore the last etc. Good news for me, as it turns out this DIY company had gone bankrupt and had no doubt stiffed their solicitors for money along with everyone else.

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