
Overtime is a privilege. If we call out we lose it for the rest of the year. Only to find out we won’t have it because we can’t afford it.

Sorry for the long post I just wanted to vent somewhere. So, I currently work in retail and this time of the year is the busiest of course. Roughly around the time of late October to early November, I been asking my team leaders if when will we have overtime and the responses have been mixed ranging we'll get it soon to we might not get it this year. One week before Thanksgiving I found out we had overtime and all I had to do was ask (granted it had been a week since I asked but I felt as though they should have announced it to us). There's just one condition, if we call out just once we lose overtime emphasizing that it's a privilege. I can kind of understand why from a business perspective they need people to be there as much as possible considering how busy it…

Sorry for the long post I just wanted to vent somewhere. So, I currently work in retail and this time of the year is the busiest of course. Roughly around the time of late October to early November, I been asking my team leaders if when will we have overtime and the responses have been mixed ranging we'll get it soon to we might not get it this year. One week before Thanksgiving I found out we had overtime and all I had to do was ask (granted it had been a week since I asked but I felt as though they should have announced it to us). There's just one condition, if we call out just once we lose overtime emphasizing that it's a privilege. I can kind of understand why from a business perspective they need people to be there as much as possible considering how busy it gets. While at the same time it's crazy to think that if you call out just once you lose it. Anything can happen really, death in the family, getting sick (especially this time of the year!), car trouble, etc. Even if you never had a history of calling out you still lose it.

So when I finally got found about a ot worked almost 80+ hours during the same week of Thanksgiving and black friday. The reason I been working like crazy is because I been saving up money so I can finally get a car (embarrassing enough I finally got my license at 24 earlier this year). Now, two days ago they tell us we won't have ot in December and I was looking forward to it. Apparently we can't afford. I am so angry it felt like such a bait and switch. They threaten us with calling out only to tell us we won't have it and we found out only the last or two of November. I don't trust them which is why I'm scared if I call out because of the small chance they might have have ot again despite what they said.

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