
Overtime paid in cash. I’m burning this motherfucker down

So the place I work for lets us work as many hours and skip lunches for extra cash as we want, the catch is any overtime is edited off our timecards and that time is paid in cash at regular pay rate. It's all recorded on a timekeeping app we have on our phones. I make sure to screenshot my unedited hours before they go through and delete the overtime. I screenshot the edited times as well. The edited times have a little notification next to them showing they have been edited by an admin, essentially leaving a very clear paper trail. I fucking hate this place. I run as hard as I can all day to have my lead question my turnaround time and passive aggressively call me worthless and lazy. I'm waiting on my first callout from a union I joined. When that happens I'm giving my boss…

So the place I work for lets us work as many hours and skip lunches for extra cash as we want, the catch is any overtime is edited off our timecards and that time is paid in cash at regular pay rate. It's all recorded on a timekeeping app we have on our phones. I make sure to screenshot my unedited hours before they go through and delete the overtime. I screenshot the edited times as well. The edited times have a little notification next to them showing they have been edited by an admin, essentially leaving a very clear paper trail.

I fucking hate this place. I run as hard as I can all day to have my lead question my turnaround time and passive aggressively call me worthless and lazy.

I'm waiting on my first callout from a union I joined. When that happens I'm giving my boss a “right fucking now” notice and I'm leaving.

Should I also turn them in to the labor board and Maybe the IRS?

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