
Owner is looking at a multi-million dollar 2nd home, while paying some of his employees less than $4 an hour.

Background: My boss owns a very successful LF. We routinely settle multi-million dollar cases, and he is well known in the local area. Last Friday, we had a meeting to discuss sales metrics, and he stressed that he was “disappointed” with our numbers. He's constantly getting on our case to “drive up numbers” and to “burn up those phones!!” The issue? My entire team is burnt out. We've been telling him for months that we need more support staff and that the lack of assistants was really hurting our productivity. In response to one of my most recent complaints, he told me that another assistant “simply wasn't in the budget.” While this counter was mildly annoying at the time, I'm now livid. I recently found out that the guy pays our assistants less than $4 an hour… LESS THAN 4 DOLLARS AN HOUR. While I understand that he outsources part…


My boss owns a very successful LF. We routinely settle multi-million dollar cases, and he is well known in the local area. Last Friday, we had a meeting to discuss sales metrics, and he stressed that he was “disappointed” with our numbers. He's constantly getting on our case to “drive up numbers” and to “burn up those phones!!”

The issue? My entire team is burnt out. We've been telling him for months that we need more support staff and that the lack of assistants was really hurting our productivity. In response to one of my most recent complaints, he told me that another assistant “simply wasn't in the budget.” While this counter was mildly annoying at the time, I'm now livid.

I recently found out that the guy pays our assistants less than $4 an hour… LESS THAN 4 DOLLARS AN HOUR. While I understand that he outsources part of the labor to SA countries, I can't get over the fact that this dude just straight up lied to my face.

The most annoying part about all of this is that the guy has been plastering his face all over the city. Like, come on, dude. What's the point of shelling out all this money on advertising when you don't have the staff to handle the added volume? (Turnover is a big issue at this firm). Furthermore, there have been rumors in the office that he's currently looking to buy a 5 million dollar 2nd home.

I feel disgusted working for this guy and want out ASAP. What should I write in my registration letter?

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