I work in garage and closet renovation. I do the installs, schedule them, manage inventory, manage employees, separate orders, order product, coordinate who goes to what install, put out fires (figuratively), communicate with every customer that calls me, invent something from nothing, and troubleshoot everything. I don't have enough time in the day, I don't have a proper work space, (boss refuses to give me a desk and work on a 3×3 card table). There are invoices piling up, and just don't have the time! My life is taking a backseat to work. I'm stewing in frustration and anger. What does money do you when you're endlessly tired? How can I have a family when I'm working 11 hours a day and spend 2 of them in traffic?
Work related depression
My last job got so monotonous that I was really feeling the weight of working for what feels like eternity. It was the worst my depression had ever been and I went on antidepressants (again). When I finally quit I took a short trip and stayed home for a couple months because of corona mainly. I eventually quit the antidepressants again and got the job I have now. Let's be real my job is shit. Everyone in my life tells me to quit but the truth is I'm afraid. I'm afraid that any job I get will force me back into that headspace. My depression is ongoing so whether or not I have a job I will always have the depression but to feel that low again, I don't think I could do it. I feel like I will never be “happy” in a job because what I really want…
Is greed human nature?
It’s so frustrating that, when trying to discuss socialist theories, one of the most common responses I get is: but people will want to be lazy and take whatever they can! Do people not realize this is how it is now? And whenever there’s a followup argument, no matter what evidence I provide, there is always some multi-level counter-argument with some blatant fallacy, but fits well into their perception of the established world. My employer has these terrible, racist, ignorant views of the world. She believes it will be greedy POC who ruin the world, according to her, evidenced by the looting and riots. When posed the question: is it immoral for a starving family to steal a bit of food? To which she replied: “Stealing is never okay. That was somebody’s property, you cant just take things. And these people arent stealing bread, they are stealin louis vuiton! Who…
“We need you… We were counting on you!”
So I'm currently in a temporary living situation and have a lot of free time on my hands. I live extremely frugally and don't have a lot of bills, but of course I have some, so I figured I'd start doing some day labor a few days a week to make a few bucks. I started on Thursday and worked Friday and yesterday (Monday). I told the guy who I was working with yesterday that I wouldn't be in today (spending time with family), but would most likely be back on Wednesday. The way this place works too, is that you have to get assigned to a job every day and I purposely didn't ask to be assigned to one for today. This morning, however, the woman at the office both called and texted me, leaving a voicemail saying, “We need you at the jobsite. We were counting on you…
Head manager was on my ass all day today and it was only my second day.i can deal with mangers being rude. But this guy was being disrespectful and belittling me. I told him it wouldn't hurt to be nice to me since I'm doing a job I didn't apply to for. I realized the restaurant industry is extremely toxic and not for me.
if a wealthy person gets a good raise, they are more than likely adding to an ALREADY existing excess of monthly funds. it could be a 40% inc to their excess or a 100% inc to their excess. if a poor person, who has been living pay-check to pay-check gets a good raise, allowing them to FINALLY have excess funds. we are talking about a potentially infinitesimal increase to their excess, since their excess started at $0-50. 0-50 to 450-500 is an INSANE jump percentage wise. something they would feel immediately. if a wealthy person's excess goes from 3k to 4k. Sure, they are gaining more than the poor person but it impacts them less mentally. because of this, I feel like the upper / wealthy class, whom control the country. Just literally can't fathom what it means to even make a few hundred extra bucks a month to a…
I’m just so tired of being poor.
I just recently graduated with my bachelor's in education. I've not had a car for over a year since mine was totaled in an accident that was not even my fault. I've had to share my mom's car during my student teaching. I cannot take an loans to get a car because I have medical bills in collections. I'm having necessary surgery on my ankle on Friday. That's at least 6 weeks I won't be able to work, and I'm afraid this will drain what little I have in my bank account. The closest taching jobs in my content area are at least an hour away. I won't be able to drive myself for 6 weeks, and my mom won't be able to take me that far away. Even if I manage to fnd a ride to an interview at one of those locations, I can't afford to relocate out…
Find work doing something you like
I worked a lot of dead end mindless jobs leading up to where I am now. I worked snow removal and landscaping, restaurant bussing tables, retail, warehouse, all making nothing and busting my ass for it. What changed? I got a trade. I went to school for 5 months to get my CDL, found a union job that typically requires 2 years experience and was told I can get a waiver. Still haven’t paid a dime of my tuition which is half of even one semester at college, don’t have to make my first payment until November, am getting 4000 toward my tuition from the company, and have union benefits. I get all the overtime I want, don’t get hassled, and am doing something I like. On top of it all, I’ve made more money in one month here than I did at any of the jobs I’ve worked at…
Update from my first post: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/ri2wot/filed_a_complaint_with_the_dept_of_labor_over/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I work support for nCino. A big software company based in Wilmington, NC. 100+on the Support team. During a Q&A, our CEO openly told us that we will not be given a COLA. “I don't want to pay you more for the same job you did last year” “If you want to make more money, go across the street” Instead, I read up on FLSA law. We absolutely should've been getting overtime pay. I reached out to the Dept of Labor. Today it came to fruition. We had a couple meetings with HR and Legal. The first meeting was all the people that will be getting backpay for the unpaid overtime. The second meeting was everyone whose job had been reclassified and will be getting overtime going forward (a lot of overlap between the two meetings). Even though we were salary, we had to…