Granted this was a few years ago but I felt some folk may get a kick out of it. I worked for a company that owned bars/restaurants/hotels and I worked as the Sales and Events Manager for one of their premium venues. It was a quagmire from the start but one thing I very quickly discovered, having had the bonus scheme talked up to me at all stages of interview and hiring, was that A) you had to work through your probation period before they'd start to pay out (something I asked about and was assured wasn't true) B) meeting my targets didn't contribute towards it, as it was based off the targets set for the venue. So I could smash all my targets but if the venue didn't meet its overall targets I got nothing. Oh, and the venue had never exceeded targets in any meaningful way before I…
I was just thinking, instead of 3-4 week notices when we quit abusive, underpaying jobs, we should instead get a bit creative and provide x-week “Know This”'s. Basically pinpoint a week when they really did you wrong, explain what they did and why it led to you quitting/resigning, and state that they should have “known this” or “known” you would be gone after treating you that way.
I was recently given a trainer class and signed up to go to a new location to train new employees. This trainer class included a $1 raise. I'm the only person in my position from the same store to be going. I've been at this store since the day they opened. About 8 months ago I asked for a raise and was told I could only get it if I take on extra responsibility. I explained my side and that i wanted the raise entirely for what i was doing at that time, and nothing more. They asked if i wanted a management position. I was very explicit in that i didn't want to move up or gain extra responsibilities. They agreed and gave me $1. So that's $2 in 8 months. Three weeks ago I explained to my boss that I would need to work mornings from now on,…
I am absolutely livid right now. I got to work this morning and as part of my routine got some water from the cooler. Our coolers are just hooked to the buildings water, they are not the stand alone types. As I was setting up for work, I read an email sent an hour before I got in stating that there was a boil order on the building. One would think that there would be included in that email a direction to work from home, but there was not. I immediately took several pictures of the area around the cooler to show that there was no signage posted, and then told my manager I would be working from home. I am going to be contacting my HR and health and safety departments, and if I get sick I am going to raise fucking hell.
the 40 hour work week done for?
With people demanding more from their jobs and an wanting an end to long hours will the 40 hour work week be gone soon?
I swear, in the past four months, I have not had ONE interview where they didn't admit to at least one major instance of fudging the truth in their ad within the first 5-15 minutes. Like… regular office hours? “Well, that means regular for US, you see, which is noon to 9 pm with Saturdays included.” Administrative job? “Technically it's mainly that, but we expect our staff to wear many hats, so you'd be expected to do market research, customer service in two languages, and also accounting(!!!!!).” Remote and hybrid opportunities? “Oh we added that to get more applicants! No, the software would allow it, but the owner just really wants everyone here (in this drafty windowless warehouse). Are you still interested?” WELL GEEZ MARTHA, I WONDER. all I want is a fkin M-F 9-5 where I can sit down, so I can both see my family every now and…
HR lady fucked me over. Gave me an attitude and bluntly said “No Im done” after I tried rescheduling an appointment for the second time for a background check. Thing is, I'm physically disabled and cannot drive. Uber will cost me $60. Plus $26 for fingerprints. The HR lady is NOT my employer- and the employer knows I am disabled and cannot drive. My actual work location is a 30 minute walk, the office for the background check is a 30 minute drive. Which I was not made aware of the location until after I was hired by the employer. I am freaking out right now and shaking, Im waiting to try and email my employer but I am scared in case the HR lady sees. This is why I cant call back- she was the one to first answer the phone. I am not a confrontational person, my anxiety…