
Couple gives up baby because they can’t afford one


Being let go from my job due to depression following my moms sudden death and facing financial ruin. Why do we pay taxes if we don’t support people in need at their lowest moment fgs?

I have been off two months barely receiving 20% of my normal pay but I’ve barely been able to get out of bed or function. I’m out of savings and I feel so deflated. I just needed time off to heal ffs. I haven’t stopped working throughout the pandemic and I was seriously suicidal and now that I feel like I’m making progress they are letting me go due to feeling I’m unfit to ever return to work. It really breaks my heart I shouldn’t have to face financial ruin to take time to deal with a serious mental health crisis. I just feel so overwhelmed and trapped. Edit: just to add while I’m feeling emotional. This is all in tandem with the fact there are next to no mental health support services available publicly where I live. All therapy is paid for etc and I can’t even remotely afford…


Thousands of employees from Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart get money from the government for groceries. Do the companies not make enough to pay their employees?


Starbucks Workers United needs some solidarity. Boost morale and show some solidarity with these Oregon locations! They deserve it.


“Just stop paying for Netflix”


Rules my workplace has ( a certain religious chicken restaurant)


Can u cover my shift?


Posted by a family member on Facebook. Oh how detached they are


We have the power


I just got fired for using a client’s bathroom….

You guys. I'm so fucking tired of this shit. I recently started a job as an insurance agent who goes to people's homes to get them signed up for insurance. I'm in the car for about 8-10 hours a day. Make 8-10 appointments per day. I ended up staying at this woman's house for 3 hours today getting her, her two kids, and her sister signed up. At one point she offered me coffee (which our company says we “have to” accept otherwise it would be rude) and I drank two. Had to use the restroom. She then offered for me to use her restroom and showed it to me. I peed for like 30 seconds. Washed my hands. Finished up and then left. I randomly mentioned to a coworker of mine when I got back to the office how I've drank more coffee in the past week than I…