
Paychecks contain no info

I have a side gig working trade shows. I actually like it. The pay is decent $18 an hour, plus I get an extra hour for travel, and $50 if I set up and $50 if I tear down. I also get “commissions” if people fill out comment cards. And I like the job. It's fun to work trade shows. I get time to enjoy them and what I do is fun. I like talking to people all day. And I literally tell them the days I want to work. It is the perfect side job for me. However, my check concerns me. It just lists my pay as a flat rate of “Commission” and a set dollar amount. No listed hours. No notation if I was paid for set up and clean up. No listing of commissions. I have no idea how much taxes, or if any taxes, are…

I have a side gig working trade shows. I actually like it. The pay is decent $18 an hour, plus I get an extra hour for travel, and $50 if I set up and $50 if I tear down. I also get “commissions” if people fill out comment cards. And I like the job. It's fun to work trade shows. I get time to enjoy them and what I do is fun. I like talking to people all day. And I literally tell them the days I want to work. It is the perfect side job for me.
However, my check concerns me. It just lists my pay as a flat rate of “Commission” and a set dollar amount. No listed hours. No notation if I was paid for set up and clean up. No listing of commissions. I have no idea how much taxes, or if any taxes, are being taken out. So it is really hard to see if I am paid for ALL of my hours.

That did not seem right/legal to issue checks like this — at a minimum, I want to see how much taxes are being taken out.

So I looked it up. Sure enough, in my state (MD) they passed a law in 2016 called the Pay Stub Transparency act.

So I sent a friendly note to the job asking if this can be rectified. I phrased the letter so it states I assume that since the business has been around longer than 2016 they were unaware of the new law. Said I need the breakdown for taxes since I pay quarterly estimated taxes and like to plan accordingly.

I personally think they are being shady AF. Legally I can pursue funds – $100 per wrong check up to $2500.

I'd like to keep this job. If they blow me off. What should I do?

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